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Non-surgical Kybella Procedure by Cosmetique Aesthetics

Introducing Kybella

kybella culver city & marina del rey
kybella culver city & marina del rey
kybella culver city & marina del rey

The Death Of The Double Chin

Kybella is the Cosmetic Industries newest innovation, with only a handful of practitioners selected and trained to administer the treatment. Dr. Sarshad, Founder of Cosmetique Aesthetics, is one doctor from a slim pool of hand chosen experts that will be offering Kybella in the United States and we would like to announce that we are now delivering treatments of Kybella in Culver City and Marina Del Rey.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is the first and only FDA approved injectable drug than contours and improves stubbon fatty areas, such as ‘double chins’. When injected into ‘submental fat’ target areas, it can literally destroy fat cells. Once these cells are destroyed, they cannot store or accumulate fat.

Our FDA approved injectable drug is identical to a deoxycholic acid, which is naturally produced by the body to absorb fat.

Two to Four vials are needed for full correction per treatment. Two to Three treatments are advised.

Who is a Candidate for Kybella?

Our Kybella procedure is a completely safe procedure for anyone that wants to eradicate stubborn fat in the chin area. Cosmetique Aesthetics delivers among the best results in Kybella Culver City and Marina Del Rey have to offer.

Am I a candidate for Kybella?

Kybella provides a non-surgical alternative to a neck lift, face lift, or liposuction. Ideal candidates are frustrated with unattractive fatty deposits around the chin and neck that have proven resistant to diet and exercise.

The best candidates also have good skin laxity. The skin’s ability to bounce back will prevent you from developing wrinkles or sagging skin in the area after fat loss. Dr. Sarshad meets with each client personally to determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment.

How long do Kybella treatments take?

During your visit, several injections will be administered under the chin. Treatments typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. The appointment can easily fit into your schedule, and side effects are so mild that some patients even return to work the same day.


Pain or other side effects are generally well-tolerated and easily treated with over-the-counter painkillers. You can resume most activities right away, but you may need to wait 24 hours before continuing exercise or other strenuous activities.

It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to see the full results of your procedure, and many patients need 2 to 6 treatments to achieve their desired results. Each of your Kybella treatments will be spaced about one month apart.

Kybella Results

As the destroyed fat cells are flushed out of the body, you will begin to notice:

  • Reduced chin and neck fat (submental fat)
  • A youthful, defined jawline
  • Boosted self-confidence

Your chin can continue to improve for up to six months following your treatment. The results are extraordinarily long-lasting, and you will not need follow-up treatments to maintain your smooth and contoured chin.

Kybella injections can be combined with skin rejuvenation treatments for optimal results. We offer a variety of non-invasive procedures that can rejuvenate and smooth your neck after fat reduction.

Is Kybella better than other methods of chin reduction?

Double chins are a source of discomfort for many people. As such, there are many surgical and non-surgical methods for reducing submental fat. How does Kybella compare?

Kybella & Other Non-Surgical Options

CoolMini is another non-surgical treatment that uses the same technology as CoolSculpting with a smaller applicator for harder-to-reach areas. Fat is frozen at a precise temperature that destroys the unwanted cells without damaging surrounding tissue. Both CoolMini and Kybella will require multiple treatments. Kybella injections can be administered in an intentional and specific area while the CoolMini delivers cryotherapy across the whole area for more general treatment.

Kybella Versus Surgery

Surgical treatments can include a neck lift, face lift, or liposuction. Surgery typically requires more recovery time than Kybella injections, but will produce results faster. Excess skin can be trimmed away during a neck lift or facelift, which is good for those with poor skin elasticity.

Kybella is a non-invasive, FDA approved treatment that is safe and effective for reducing submental fat. Some patients use Kybella as a preventative measure to delay the need for surgery. Dr. Sarshad considers each patient’s unique situation, and will make a recommendation for treatment based on your desired results, the amount of submental fat, and your medical history.